Last weekend I got to have a fun night/day with two of my nieces-Jorja and Zoey. Their dad was out of town with Charlie and some other family members, and their mom had to work the night shift at the hospital. So...they mom dropped them off on Friday night and I got to have them overnight and into the next day. I fed Zoey a bottle and then laid her down for bed right away when they got to our house and then Jorja and I had some alone time together for another hour or so. I asked Jorja what she would like to do and she thought it would be fun to play Jeopardy on the wii. Oh boy I thought...if only I knew how to figure out this complicated tv/wii/converter box/dvd player connection. There are so many cords and way too many buttons that have to be pushed in order to get something to play. Charlie happened to be gone this weekend, and go figure I try to call him to see if he can explain to me how to hook everything up and he doesn't answer-thanks I'm j/k. After about an hour or so I finally got it all hooked up and running. Thank goodness Jorja was patient with me. We had fun playing Jeopardy and only got stumped a couple times so we thought that was pretty good. Then we headed to bed. The next morning I woke up pretty early as I was going to take the girls with me to a volleyball game in Lincoln Nebraska for the whole day to watch my sister Jasmyn play Nebraska Wesleyan with the Dordt Team. I thought if I got up early I may be able to get a shower in quick and possibly get may hair and makeup done before the kiddos woke up...because I have no clue how moms do that yet-get themselves ready and two kids at the same time lol :) I got showered and hopped out and all of a sudden heard Zoey making some noise. I went into the bedroom and found Zoey on my bed laying with her sister Jorja laughing. It was too cute! Well...I got the shower. I fed the girls, got them cleaned up and quick finished myself and was out the door by 8:15 a.m. I was pretty impressed-so far we were running on time. We had a three and a half hour drive to Lincoln and both of the girls did great. We stopped for lunch, I took Zoey out of her car seat and was a little surprised when I picked her up. OH NO...she had completely soaked through her entire outfit. Yeah...bad auntie Jamie. I felt horrible. We stopped once on our way up to Lincoln as I rode with my family and some of us had to stop to use the restroom. Zoey happened to be sleeping so I stayed in the car with her. I guess maybe I should have just tried to change her when we stopped without waking her up. Oh well...good thing "wonder mom-Ang" was thinking and packed a 2nd outfit...she must know I'm a rookie! So we got her changed and all cleaned up and headed over to the game. It was long day in one building watching several matches, but honestly the girls did great! Not once were either of them fussy. We had fun reading books, playing with some toys and eatin' snacks together and I had a few extra hands that helped me between my Dad, Mom, sisters Kasondra, Kelsie and Jamaica. At about 5:15 we left Lincoln, grabbed a bite to eat and drove back home. Within seconds Zoey had crashed. She didn't nap once the whole day, but I knew she was tired because you could tell she was fighting it all day. They did great on the way home too and we got back at about eight thirty or so and dropped them off at Grandpa and Grandma Zomermaand's for the night. It was so much fun getting to spend some time with the girls as we don't always get to see them as often as we'd like.
On the way to the game
Jorja and Jamaica had fun playing together all day
My little sister Jamaica
Tired after a long day :)