Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sinus Update...

I am happy to share that I went back to see Dr. Korver yesterday (my ENT doctor who performed my sinus surgery back in January) and for the first time I actually received some good news.  After several visits following surgery due to constant sinus infections, headaches, feeling miserable, and medication after medication, they took a culture last visit and found a medication that has worked and cleared up or at least slowed the polyp growth in my sinus cavities.  Apparently there are several antibiotics that work for “most” people, but my body wanted to resistant just about every one, except for the very last one that I was put on.  It was pretty funny because Dr. Korver asked if I noticed anything different while I was on the pills-like being hungry and wanting to eat all the time…the feeling of just wanting to go-go-go and being really alert.  Charlie just laughed and said…oh man…that explains things now…she was hungry like all the time.  We helped my sister and brother-in-law move into a new home two weeks ago too and boy did they pick the right time to move because those pills made me just want to clean, organize and sort like crazy.  It would explain the nights of not being able to go to sleep until for sure after midnight too-my body just was not ready to shut down.

Anyways, every visit Dr. Korver would put a scope into my sinus cavities to see how things were looking and time after time things did not look any better…there was polyp growth, infection and scabbing…except for yesterday.  Dr. Korver usually has Charlie look into the scope to see how things look as well and he said for the first time things actually looked pretty good.  So, the good thing is that we believe we may have found a medication that seems to clear up the infections, but the problem is that they do not want to keep me on this medication as there are several side affects that could greatly affect me.  The other problem is that my body is obviously still reacting to something as I continue to fight all of these sinus infections when not on medication.  So we have decided that it would be best for me to re-visit the allergist (Dr. Tumpkin out of Sioux City) to be re-tested and see if there may be additional allergens my body is reacting to that I might not be receiving injections for. 

This past year has been quite the road for me medically, but yesterday’s news was very exciting.  I am hopeful that we will soon get to the very bottom of this and I will feel like a “new person”.  I look forward to not as many doctor visits or trips to the pharmacy in the near future (although I have gotten to know them all so well).  Yes, Charlie has to laugh at me when I go to the pharmacy too because about every pharmacist and pharmacy tech. there knows me by name.  Oh well ;)

Anyways I know there are several of you that ask often how I am doing and tell me that you are thinking of me and praying for me so I just thought I’d give you an update as to how things are going.  I hope you all have a great rest of the week!
