Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Life Light Weekend 2011

This past weekend Charlie and I had the opportunity to spend the weekend in the Sioux Falls/Worthing, SD area taking in the Life Light Music Festival.  We headed up to Sioux Falls and met up with Kasondra and Kelsie Friday night and enjoyed some Buffalo Wild Wings before heading out to the festival to take in some of the artists that were performing that evening.  It got a little chilly that night, but we bundled up and made the most of it.  Then on Saturday, we all slept in (over at Kansas & Danny's house) and headed out to the festival later that afternoon to take in the many other artists and speakers that were performing that day.  On Sunday my sisters and I, (True Emotion) performed on the Triple Shot Cafe Stage at 1:00 p.m.  It was great to see so many family members, friends, supporters and first time listeners come out to worship with us. Not only did we share of our ministry of music, but we also shared about our upcoming mission trip to Haiti and how we feel God's calling as a family to reach out to the Hatian community this coming January.  I look forward to Life Light weekend every year as it is a weekend to get away from work, school, and the busyness of life and take time to come together as a body of believers to worship and praise our Heavenly Father. The weekend was full of amazing artists and speakers who not only shared their personal testimony and faith journey, but also their passion through music and/or speaking. I am so thankful that I had the priveledge of growing up in a Christian home my whole life where I was learned about Jesus Christ daily and where I came to a point in my life in which I made the decision to accepted Him as my personal Lord and Savior. It is my prayer that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts and lives of those who may have been at the festival and heard about Jesus Christ for the very first time or were on edge with their faith.  I pray that they may continue to seek out individuals that can help them come to know Him more on a personal level. Even though the festival may be over, I am constantly reminded that our job as Christians to be "Disciples of Christ" is never over. We need to live each day out for Him. We need to show through our actions, our words, and our daily routines that Christ is living in us and because of Him we have a reason to believe. Jesus Christ, the true and living God died for our sins and was raised again so that we may have life eternally.
I just want to encourage you today to think of those you may have come into contact with in the past year. Are you 100% sure that they know your Heavenly Father. Have you taken the time to share Him with them?

Here are a few pictures I thought I'd share with you from our weekend away:

Taking in some of the artists at the Triple Shot Cafe Friday Night

Oh my rockin' the double chin...lol...let's try again...

Ok now we just have the chipmunk cheeks going on...no more pictures for me tonight ;)

Taking in some of the Main Stage Artists on Saturday

 Our performance at the Triple Shot Cafe on Sunday afternoon