Monday night my sisters and I had the privilege of opening in concert for Guy Penrod (who used to be apart of the Gaithers) at the Orpheum in Sioux Falls, SD. The evening was opened up with a group called the Masters Voice Quartet out of Sioux Falls, then our group did a couple numbers and the evening was finished out by Guy. We had a great afternoon getting to know Guy, the members in his band/family/crew, the men from Masters Voice Quartet, as well as the many individuals that put the event on. The evening went great and the songs sounded amazing in the orpheum.
Getting ready back stage in the green room
Warming up backstage
Prayin' it up backstage with Kansas' husband Danny
Merch table set up and all ready to go
Our Amazing Parents Jim & Jan
Hanging out with Guy backstage before performing
Masters Voice Quartet, Guy Penrod & Us
Performance Time...
So, there was only one technical difficulty the whole night...
The CD happened to skip on Kasondra's verse during our very last song. Guy decided to come on stage and "chit chat" with us and the audience while they worked on fixing things. It was no big deal...we all made light of it and no one really seemed to care :)
Enjoying Guy Penrod's Performance
Monday was also our parents 31st Wedding Anniversary! We want to wish them a very Happy Anniversary and thank them for once again giving up their time to come and support us along with our little sister.